What a wonderful concert with great performances last night - way to go, everyone!
Keep practicing for playing exams which will be taking place December 16 through 19th.
Orchestra groups should be preparing as follows:
Orchestra 10: Page 20 (Cellos and Bass: B PART
PLUS A PART ms. 1-23)
Orchestra 20: Page 25 (Cellos: B PART, PLUS
A PART ms. 1-6)
Orchestra 30: See me with your selection, ASAP.
SCIENCE 7: We have now completed up to page 116 in our textbooks.
Please make sure that ALL assignments are handed in.
SCIENCE 8: We have completed up to page 119 in our textbooks.
Check that all assignments are handed in.
Important dates/Things to remember:
* December 16-19 - Playing tests for orchestra.
* Orchestra 30 students see Mr. B with your selections.
* Check to make sure that all of your science assignments are up to date and handed in. If you are unsure whether any of yours are missing - make sure to ask Mr. Bernier.