Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not Sure What To Say About This...

I really like this guy. I feel like he is the epitome of loving what you are doing, loving your music, and not caring what anybody else thinks. Also, I admire the fact that he doesn't get his hair all tangled up in his bow. And I'm no expert, but I think he has some crazy skills on that violin - and who doesn't want a violin with spikes on the end?
Have a look and see what you think.

Friday, November 19, 2010

We might need a mosh pit at your next concert...

Okay, now I REALLY want to learn how to play. I could be so cool. Or maybe that's just inside my own head :) Now, I'm off to never-never land...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

In Honour of Remembrance Day...

I found this video of a performance by a school orchestra of an original composition by a young man named Steve Tzeng - amazing! He took it to his high school orchestra, and just look!!! I dream of our Rivier Orchestra being this large and motivated. And perhaps, in your spare time one of you could compose an epic piece like this ;) Anyway, I so admire this guy's talent, and since the "battle" title tied into Remembrance Day week, I thought I would post it. I left the "related videos" beneath because he also plays his composition on the piano. Equally amazing for you piano girls. Lots of inspiration here - keep smiling and keep practicing! And have a great weekend, of course!