Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Something More Classical Today...

Now I hope Mr. Bernier doesn't wish that he could hit the "mute" button during any of your classes, but I'm sure that he would find a functioning remote control very amusing...

Keep smiling!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to Orchestra's Blog!

Hello all you talented Orchestra students! At long last a place for you to double-check your strings schedule, see what kind of fun stuff we've found for you to look at, and check out whatever useful links we've posted for you. How can this be useful? Well imagine you're sitting at home one evening, without your orchestra schedule and you know you have a math test second period. Do you also have strings second period? No need to worry all night - just check the blog and you will know for sure and then you can make arrangements as soon as you get to school in the morning. And that's just one "for instance." Off the top of my head. I'm sure I could think of more - but mostly I think this could be kind of fun.
Which is why, for the first post (which is totally not approved by Mr. B) I'm showing you how if you practice enough you can use your skills to rock out (on the side) like this guy from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
Of course, I think you have to electrify your instruments...

Keep practicing!