Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Playing Tests

A reminder to all of Mr. Bernier's students that Playing Tests will be taking place on December 21! Don't Forget! The Sign Up Sheet can be found at Room 5, which is Mr. Bernier's office.

Also, congratulations on another great performance to the girls who played at Pineview Terrace on Tuesday. Your Christmas cheer was very much appreciated by your audience. Keep up the good work! This is what it's all about!

Monday, December 6, 2010

What A Cool Family!

Yes, these guys are all from the same family, believe it or not. Take a look and tell me they're not adorable - and amazingly talented!

See? Practice, practice, practice!

I love these guys so much, I'm adding the full video of their "History of Music" - see how many songs you recognize! They're nice British boys (well I guess they could be hooligans for all I know, but I'm sure they stay home at night practicing their violins and drinking milk;)

Also, congratulations to the girls who played before "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at the Rawlinson Center Friday night! You represented Rivier splendidly and really helped all of us milling about to feel the spirit of Christmas before the play began. Well done - you all looked very professional. And yes, their uniforms were neat and tidy Sr. Mary!